A Faster BETWEEN Dates

Read BETWEEN The Dates Finding records that exist between two dates can sometimes be slow. This is especially true if temporary tables and table variables are used. I did some tinkering and testing of the different ways that you can get the same records but with faster results. The end result I shall detail here.

Build Test Data The first step is to build some test data. This will make following along a lot easier if you can just copy this into your SQL Console and experiment. I have defined 2 test tables: @ProjectList and @WorkTable. @ProjectList will define all of the major steps of an imaginary work project. The main reason for this table is to be able to have a start and end date range for building the initial date list. @WorkTable will define the individual jobs performed within this work project. Each job listed will have its own start and stop date. This can be considered as individual employees on the work site. As different project steps are completed, some employees will stop working and new employees will start work. The tables are simple and contain a small amount of records but should still be enough to test the script.


Test Project table definition and data load.

Test Work table definition and data load.

Temporary Date List Table The next part of the experiment is building the date list. This table will be the listing of all valid work days that are between the minimum start date and maximum end date of the @ProjectList table. If the projects to be used are already known, then that can be used to filter the minimum start date and maximum end date to closer values. This will help reduce the size of all tables and offer one area of speeding up the script.

A recursive CTE is used to build the date list. This does offer the problem that a CTE is normally restricted in the number of recursions allowed so an option "OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0)" needs to be added at the end of this script section to allow the CTE to work. The CTE contains a second table that will use the initial date list created and filter the results to what is wanted. In this case, all weekend dates are tossed out. I also have the code in there to filter out the holidays.

This code is currently commented out as it needs the scripts from this article (Creating Holidays and Special Dates). The temporary table: @CalTable has been created with a Primary Key and with a Unique Nonclustered Index. Both of these help the table variable to process larger amounts of data faster and offers another place to help speed up this script.


This section creates a table variable to hold the calendar information. This can be used as a speed increase in the other CTE. Defining the table variable (@CalTable) with a primary key and unique index helps to reduce to total time used to find all of the records.

Finding The Dates The final part is putting the tables from above together and retrieving our desired data. For this, I wanted to show the original way using the BETWEEN method. Then list the way using the split date range check.

The Original BETWEEN This is the original test script. I have listed the times the SQL Console used to process the script 3 times. They were 11 seconds, 5 seconds and 5 seconds respectively.


Find dates with the BETWEEN method.

Split Date Range Check This script first finds all of the records that are within the range of the start date based on the JOIN clause. Then, a flag is set, and checked, based on if the date is also within the end date range within the WHERE clause. This script does not save the flag, but the check in the WHERE clause can easily be copied and returned as a regular field. It was the splitting of the date range check that allowed my production scripts to run a lot faster.

As an example, I had a script that was taking over 5 minutes to process. Adding this one change to the script reduced its processing time down to 30 seconds. Definitely a happy increase in speed. When I had ran this test script 3 times, I had the process time of 5 seconds, 3 seconds, and 3 seconds respectively.


Find dates with the individual date range checks.